Thanks Jess.Bee Bee, I had promised Wendy since she poetsd the contest up. My bad that I didn’t cook it b4 my trip that haunt me during my whole trip that I must find time to cook it :P. Me too, I always cannot resist melting cheese, anything with melting cheese will catch my attention :)Wendy, I wanna tell u I miss chatting with you and sorry that not able to chat when you msn me, lets catch up next week when I settle all my outstanding.
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Thanks Jess.Bee Bee, I had promised Wendy since she poetsd the contest up. My bad that I didn’t cook it b4 my trip that haunt me during my whole trip that I must find time to cook it :P. Me too, I always cannot resist melting cheese, anything with melting cheese will catch my attention :)Wendy, I wanna tell u I miss chatting with you and sorry that not able to chat when you msn me, lets catch up next week when I settle all my outstanding.