Tuna tatizo la kutojikubali kujitambua na kujipenda kwasababu ya Watu, Mtu anaishi kwa hofu ya binadamu mwenzie atasema hili ataniona hivi itakua hivi. Ni Kosa. ishi kama ulivo fanya unayoyapenda na jivunie kuwa wewe kwasababu hakuna kama wewe tena hapa duniani.
kuwa wewe na ishi upendavyo bila kujali nani atasema nini kwa maana huenda unaemuhofia anatamani kuwa wewe na hata yule mwenye mapungufu anatafuta udhaifu wako ili muwe sawa na ndo mana atatafuta la kukukosoa. Amini huyo ameshindwa na anatafuta mwenzie wa kushindwa nae na kama utampa nafasi inamaana umefeli kama hutampa nafasi wewe ndio utakua umeshinda
tukumbuke hakuna mkamilifu na hakuna aliejiumba. mwisho wasiku sote ni mali ya Udongo na Funza sasa kwanini mwanadamu mwenzio akunyime raha ya maisha ilhali mwisho na mwisho nae ni mali ya Funza na Udongo?
Kusema ukweli wimbo huu ni wimbo wangu wa KARNE. ukiuelewa utagundua huyo mtoto ana akili nyingi sana lakini pia atakua amebadilisha maisha ya watu wengi sana kutokana na ujumbe wake
Haya ni Mashairi ya wimbo huu wa WILLO SMITH
I Am Me”
I’m me, I’m me, here’s my vulnerability
I’m free and you can’t stop me
I’m free and that’s all I can be
Days pass, I’m tryna find who I really am
(I’ve been lookin’)
People don’t like the way I dress, or where I am at
(I’ve been lookin’)
I dye my hair and it’s not just vanity
(I’ve been lookin’)
Your validation is just not that important to me
I’m me, I’m me, and that’s all I can be
I’m me, I’m me, here’s my vulnerability
I’m free and you can’t stop me
I’m free, I’m me, and that’s all I can be
Night falls and I find it’s here I am in peace
(I’ve been lookin’)
Making friends with spirits lost and it sets me free
(I’ve been lookin’)
Express myself, ’cause it’s my liberty
(I’ve been lookin’)
Your validation is just not that important to me
I’m me, I’m me, and that’s all I can be
I’m me, I’m me, here’s my vulnerability
I’m free and you can’t stop me
I’m me, I’m free, and that’s all I can be
I am me, I am me, I am me
I am free, I am free, I am free
I am me, I am me, I am me
I am free, I am free
I am me, I am me, I am me
I am free, I am free, I am free
I am me, I am me, I am me
I am free, I am free
Create yourself, redo yourself, renew yourself
Be you, do what you do
Hold your head up high, everything’s gonna be alright
You’re you, I’m me, let’s live in harmony
Coexist with each other, love each other
Be yourself, you have to be yourself
Be real, be honest
‘Cause ain’t nobody got time for that
They really don’t
So listen to me, listen to this song
‘Cause this is real facts, that will help you move along
That’s all I wanted to say, so I love you guys so much
Hope you like this song and you know
Ahh, haha

1 Comment
wooow dats nyc… lyk t