Au ndo zile mafahari wawili hawakai zizi moja, huwezi dhania ugomvi wao wangeweza kuuleta kwenye public au ni Meek Mill anatafuta kick wakati Dreams worth more than money inatoka Septemba 9, Wale anasema anajijua sana na amekuwa akimsupport Meek Mill.
Wale amejibu Tweet ya Meek Mill aliyopost jana JUlai 8, tweet hiyo ya Wale ilisema kwamba anahisi Wale amsupport kabisa.
Wale nae akachukua post yake ambayo alipost wiki 7 zilizopita ambayo ilionekana ikipromoti Suicadal ya Meek Mill…….
Tweet za Meek Mill zilisomeka hivi, ya kwanza aliandika “I don’t really want no suckas in arm reach of me….My hands may lose control! That,s how I’m rocking”…
Nyingine aliandika “Everbody can see it!! None of ya’all dudes don’t call me text me nothing it is what it is !!
Tweet nyingine ya Meek Mill kwenda kwa Wale ilisema “Wale just aint gone tweet a thing about my album…He is been hating on me long time…don’t even text me cornball”
Daaah!! Washkaji wote wako MMG, Rozay nae the Big Boss hasemi kitu, kitu kama hiki kinawezekana kweli? Meek Mill aliandika kama Tweetz tano zote zikielekezwa kwa Wale. Na hizi ni baadhi ya tweets za Meek Mill:-
Lakini baada ya Tweet hizo Dice pineapple songstress Wale akaandika hivi:
Few weeks ago. (7w) I posted this .but ok. Movin along . My Avi always changed when it’s THAT time .. Ok that’s not enough y’all see “razor ramon ” post on his no. But I don’t care.. I wrote a long ass post day before his single dropped .. Mariah record dropped nobody said a word I didn’t care .. I still don’t… I carry myself with confidence and humility ., I always try to have a lighter side to MMG.. Cuz I understand I don’t “fit the mold” so if I’m tryna spruce an interview up to show that we not tryn be “serious tough guys” on the red carpet Or try to be a bit more engaging to broaden our audience forgive me . I never wanted anybody to think we take ourselves THAT serious. (Were rappers )I don’t need to take anybody shine.. Or hate on anybody . I walk in a completely different world .. Where I look for slp jeans and Shanghai dunks online and know what “kayfabe” means. I check nbadraft.net daily . I’m on whatculture allll day I enjoy shyt like that. I play fuckin Zelda and fuck wit bitches who teach yoga and paint… I get it . I’m different . I always embrace that shyt.. I encourage y’all to embrace what y’all like or the person y’all wanna be.. I text niggas happy Father’s Day and get no reply .. I laugh it off .. I laugh at how I write songs about “chain music” and y’all get lost or “600benzz” i like to have fun with our culture. Because I beleive I add THAT to a “gangster rap” faction. I made my opportunity work for me that way. I write poems . I watch wwe . I collect kicks. I’m sensitive ok. Maybe bi polar. But one thjng I’m not is a hater.. I see Daquan jokes all day yesterday and patted myself on the back that I’m regarded as the aforementioned adjectives and not “Daquan”. I’m me and I’ll be me and do this shyt wit my “dew” till I don’t