Rob O’Neill Mwanajeshi wa kimarekani aliyemuua Gaidi Osama Bin Laden Rob O’Neill 38,ambaye kwa sasa amepewa jina la SEAL Team Six Hero baada ya kufanikiwa kumpiga risasi Tatu Kichwani Master Mind wa September Eleven Osama Bin Laden Na kumuulia Mbali ,
kwa sasa Rob amekuwa gumzo na kuvutia wanafilimu wa HollyWood Nchini marekani
Baba wa mwanajeshi huyo ameulizwa kuwa kama hana wasi wasi wa mtoto wake kuwekwa wazi kwa kuhofia kikundi cha ISIS kuiteka familia kwa kitendo hicho….
The Navy SEAL who shot Osama bin Laden dead in the special force’s most famous operation can be named today. The Navy hero is set to give a full interview to Fox News later this month and waive his anonymity but MailOnline has established that he is Rob O’Neill, a highly-decorated veteran who quit after 16 years service.
In an exclusive interview Rob’s father, Tom O’Neill, tells MailOnline, ‘People are asking if we are worried that ISIS will come and get us because Rob is going public. I say I’ll paint a big target on my front door and say come and get us.
‘ Rob O’Neill, 38, is a former member of SEAL Team Six who has been portrayed on screen in Zero Dark Thirty, Captain Phillips and Lone Survivor.